Organelles, plant cells, and animal cells

Cells are the basic unit of all living organisms. All human are made of smalls, and grass, horses, dogs, trees, and birds are all made up of cells. There are two types in a eukaryotic cell: plant cells and animal cells. In these cells, there are various organelles, which have a function in the cell. Let’s learn about different types of organelles and the difference between plant cells and animal cells.


Contain cell’s heredity information
Control cell growth and reproduction
Convert energy into forms that the cell can use
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Manufactures membranes, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and hormones
Golgi Apparatus
Manufacturing and shipping cellular products mostly from the endoplasmic reticulum
Synthesize proteins
Recycle cell’s organic material
Store nutrition
Absorb sunlight for photosynthesis
Cell wall
Provide support and protection
Only found in plant cells
Support cell division
Only found in animal cells

Above is a chart that lists organelles and their functions. The chloroplast and the cell wall only exist in plant cells, and centrioles only exist in animal cells. Apart from these three organelles, all the others exist in both plant and animal cells. If even one organelle malfunctions, the whole cell can go wrong.

Now, let’s discuss the difference between plant and animal cells.

An animal cell (left) and a plant cell(right)

We can clearly tell the difference between the two cells by just looking at pictures. Below is a table that lists information about what differentiates an animal cell and a plant cell.


Plant cell
Animal cell
Generally smaller
Generally bigger
Typically rectangular or cubed
Irregular shape
Increase the number of cells
Cells grow larger in size
No plant cells and chloroplasts
No centrioles
Small vacuoles
Large central vacuole that covers 90% of the cell’s volume

There are numerous key terms and definitions that we need to know when learning about cells. Here’s a tip: draw diagrams and tables. Use these methods, and it will be much easier to identify important information.

Works cited :

Bailey, Regina. “Learn About Organelles and How the Tiny Cellular Organs Perform.”ThoughtCo,

Bailey, Regina. “15 Key Differences Between Animal and Plant Cells.” ThoughtCo,

Stewart, Melissa. Cell Biology. Twenty-First Century Books, 2008.


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