
This week, I want to continue on with the discussion on evolution and classification of animals. Today's post will be centered around cladistics. which is an important term to know in the unit of evolution. I will discuss mainly about clades, traits, and cladograms. Clades I have made reference to the idea of evolution several... Continue Reading →

Classification of Biodiversity

On my blog, I have uploaded a couple of posts about classification of animals, discussing the kingdoms and phyla. Today I want to talk more generally about the binomial system, focusing on how it developed and its advantages. Development of the binomial system Binomial System (Bioninja) As scientists were discussing various organisms, it was important... Continue Reading →


Today we will continue on with our discussion of genetics. This time, we will look at practical applications of genetics: biotechnology. Genetics and information about DNA has paved the way for recent research in biotechnology. Cloning has been an example of using genetics in real life. We will take a look at what clones are... Continue Reading →


Recently in my DP biology class, I have learned about genetics. Although some parts seemed familiar since I learned them in grade 10, there were also some interesting topics that I did not know previously. A section about chromosomes were particularly fascinating, since the only knowledge I had about chromosomes were that they were coiled... Continue Reading →

The Digestive System

In one of my first posts, I have talked about various human systems such as the circulatory system and respiratory system. The digestive system was one of them, and today I will be going over this system in more detail. We will cover digestion and absorption in the small intestine. Digestion in the Small Intestine... Continue Reading →

Energy Flow Within Ecosystems

What is one thing that is crucial for all organisms? Energy. All forms of life have energy, especially in forms of heat. The major source of energy is the Sun. Producers directly gain energy through sunlight, whereas consumers gain energy indirectly. Sunlight is also used when a loss of energy must be regained. Yet, energy... Continue Reading →

Structure of Plants

This week, we will continue our discussion of plants. Last week, we had a chance to learn how plants are classified and their developments. Today, we will discuss the structure of plants, which includes the roots, stem, leaf, and stomates. Firstly, we will take a look at the structure and types of roots, followed by... Continue Reading →

Classification of Plants

If I were to be asked what topics I can think of when hearing the word 'biology,' I would most likely answer "plants." It is an obvious fact that plants are closely related to biology, and it is an important unit as well. There are so much to learn about plants, so I will be... Continue Reading →

Animal Behavior

Animal behavior refers to a way an organism responds to its internal or external environment. It can be innate or learned, and both types are carried out as a result of a stimulus. For instance, a monkey eating a banana is a behavior is response to hunger. The study of animal behavior is important in... Continue Reading →

The Human Immune System

It is a widely known fact that we are surrounded by a million types of germs. Although we do get sick due to these germs, our body has a complex immune system to fight pathogens, organisms that cause disease. Our body's defense system engage in combat with pathogens and also prevents them from entering the... Continue Reading →

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