
Last week, we discussed how cyclins control the process of cell cycle. I have also briefly mentioned that when there are mutations in cyclins, the cell cycle won't be controlled and tumor may emerge. Namely, tumorigenesis refers to the formation of a tumor, either benign or malignant. Benign tumors does not spread to other parts... Continue Reading →

The Cell Cycle

Today we will learn about the cell cycle. You may easily confuse this with mitosis, which is heavily discussed in biology curriculum, but keep in mind that mitosis is just one part of the cell cycle, along with two other main stages: interphase and cytokinesis. Interphase The interphase is the longest and most active phase... Continue Reading →

The Endosymbiotic Theory

The discussion of the origin of cells, which were mentioned in the latest post, involves many aspects including prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. It is very likely that the first cells were prokaryotes, considering their simplicity compared to their eukaryotic counterparts. Still, the origin of eukaryotic cells is better understood. The endosymbiotic theory, which incorporates double... Continue Reading →

The Origin of Cells

Cells are known to be the smallest unit of life. But how were these cells first created? The answer to this question is highly significant in that it leads to discovering the origin of life. Today we will find out about the origin of cells and related theories. Louis Pasteur, a microbiologist from France, provided... Continue Reading →

Estimating the Osmolarity in Tissues

As you are learning molecular biology, especially about passive transport, you will most likely encounter a lab where you should estimate the osmolarity - the concentration of a solution in terms of moles of solutes per liter of solution - in a tissue in a range of hypertonic (concentration of solutes is greater outside the... Continue Reading →


Previously we have discussed quite a lot about cells, and the fact that there are two types of cells: prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Eukaryotes are a popular biology topic that will probably be taught in a wide range of grade levels. Today we will look at many aspects of eukaryotes, including their definition, structure, and function.... Continue Reading →

Cell Differentiation and Stem Cells

We have learned previously that one part of the cell theory is that new cells can only be produced from existing cells. The new cells can be divided into two broad categories: stem cells, which can develop into any form of cells, and non-stem cells, which are specialized through the process of cell differentiation. Today... Continue Reading →

Cell Theory

Cells are the basic unit that composes all living things. However, cells were not discovered easily. In fact, it took many scientists and lots of time to find out the existence of cells and their characteristics. Today, we will look at the content of the cell theory and important scientists that made a major discovery... Continue Reading →

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