
Homeostasis is the tendency for living things to preserve constant internal conditions within its tolerance limits. Homeostasis happens in many parts of the body; internal equilibrium must be reached in blood pH, blood glucose levels, carbon dioxide concentration, water balance, and even body temperature. Today, we will learn the how the human body controls blood... Continue Reading →

Utilization of DNA

DNA is an important part of our lives that functions key roles. In the past, researchers and scientists could not tackle with DNA since technology was not highly developed to detect and modify such a small and intricate object. However, new techniques developed recently completely revolutionized the field of genetics and enabled scientists to utilize... Continue Reading →

Protein Functions and Denaturation

Today we will continue the discussion from the last post about proteins. This post will be mainly focused on the functions of protein and denaturation. Two Forms of Protein   The two forms of protein are globular and fibrous. Globular proteins are spherical. They are active during cell metabolism and consist of complex polypeptide chains.... Continue Reading →

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