Gene Mutation

We have discussed gene mutation before when talking about evolution. Mutation is indeed one of the processes that lead to evolution along with variation, gene flow, non-random mating, etc. Today, we will take a look at types of gene mutation and sickle cell anemia - a disease caused by mutation. Gene Mutation A gene mutation... Continue Reading →

Protein Functions and Denaturation

Today we will continue the discussion from the last post about proteins. This post will be mainly focused on the functions of protein and denaturation. Two Forms of Protein   The two forms of protein are globular and fibrous. Globular proteins are spherical. They are active during cell metabolism and consist of complex polypeptide chains.... Continue Reading →

Specialized and Unspecialized Tissues

The tissues (groups of the same cells) in our body can be divided into two broad categories: those that are specialized and those that are not. Specialized tissues develop by cell differentiation in multicellular organisms. Unspecialized tissues, on the other hand, can be found in embryonic development in multicellular organisms. Since they are not yet... Continue Reading →

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